Science Fiction & Horror Movie Reviews
Pitch Black

Director: : David N. Twohy
Year: 2000
Cast: : Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Cole Hauser
Official Website:
Reviewed By: Drew Bishop


On their way to deliver cargo to another planet, the ship, Hunter-Gratzner, crashes on an unknown planet. At first, the planet is peaceful, although clearly alien and their first task is to see if there are any survivors and also, to keep close watch on the serial killer, Riddick. They wait out their time whilst trying to repair what they have. However, when the sun starts to go down they have other problems. The planet is infested with nocturnal aliens that find humans and especially nice delicacy. Luckily, the aliens fear any type of light light so the crew has a chance, however, what happens when the light goes out? The movie is very suspenseful with a lot of gore. The aliens are quick and scary. The special effects in the movies are very good, however, the acting leaves a little to be desired. The script lacks a little definintion and the plot tends to be lost at some points. Entertaining though and probably worth seeing if you're after something space age.

Rating: 3.5 / 5
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