Science Fiction Movie Reviews
Mission To Mars

Director: : Brian De Palma
Year: 2000
Cast: : Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins, Jerry O'Connell
Official Website:
Reviewed By: Drew Bishop


Set in the not to distant future, a mission to mars has been given authorisation, where two crews are allowed to go to mars and explore it to see if it is fit for colonisation. The first crew encounters a strange phenomenon which thwarts the small crew so the second team then becomes a rescue operations unit. Unfortunately the second crew crash lands on Mars and now they must try and find there way home using what they have on mars. However, in the process they explorer this strange phenomenon which gradually allows them to unlock the key to life on earth. You cannot seem to go wrong with space movies. The time setting gives this movie a sense of what if and is probably close to something we can achieve as a race. Although, not typically and action movie, Mission To Mars has a significant amount of suspense which cause you to stay in front of the screen until the end. The special effects are fantastic and the sets and props are equally good. Cinematography is great as you get to encounter the cold uncaring vastness of space. Well worth hiring and it leaves you with a sense of mystery and fulfillment.

Rating: 4.7 / 5
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