Drama Movie Reviews
You've Got Mail

Director: Nora Ephron
Year: ??
Cast: Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, George Clooney??
Official Website: http://youvegotmail.warnerbros.com/
Reviewed By: Colby Pender


This movie is resplendant in it's portrayal of 19th century France. The cinimatography is at it's best during a scene where the two main characters Roy Le'Chuck (Meg Ryan) and the cortisan Chantelle Bouffant (Tom Hanks) fight to the death to the stunning backdrop of the French Reviere, the camera's pan over the crystal clear waters and the warn cobbled streets while Bouffant (Hanks) uses her Monkey Pastry Diving Fish style in an attempt to regain her family's lost honour against the evil Fighting Paperweight Cougar Sword style of Le'Chuck (Ryan). The storyline basically revolves around this fight for honour and site gags and slapstick diversions are provided by Crazy Charlie (Ryan's evil henchman - played by George Cloony). The one main problem with this film is it's very bad doubing and lip synching. I am told by credable sources that this doubing was performed by the actors themselves and was the director's way of making fun of the hong-kong action film genre. Personally I felt it did not at all give this impression and left one with a feeling of America's patronising attitude to the rest of the world. That said however the fight scenes are very realistic and convincing, Ryan is by far the better fighter and if it wasn't for gender issues probably should have been cast in the roll of Bouffant. Of all the characters Crazy Charlie (Cloony) would have to be the popular favorite. His witty impersonations of Canadian celebrities is a running gag that he pulls off to great effect. Overall this is a movie worth seeing, if only for Cloony's performance.

Rating: 3 / 5
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