Drama Movie Reviews
Centre Stage

Director: Nicholas Hytner
Year: ????
Cast: Amanda Schull, Zoe Saldana,
Susan May Pratt, Sascha Radetsky, Ethan Stiefel
Official Website: http://www.unitic.com/centerstage/index.html
Reviewed By: Drew Bishop


Jodi has tryout for the American Ballet Company and does not know what she will do if she doesn't get in. Once there, she finds that she is not a good as other girls and is constantly told that she must do certain things in order to secure a place. Jodi finds out just how hard being a ballet dancer really is as do the other girls. Forced by their parents and friends, the girls struggle to find if they really want the life of a ballet dancer or not. The dancing in the movie is spectacular and inspires people to undertake ballet classes just for a slightness of professionsalism which is displayed in Centre Stage. Although the plot is sometimes obscure, the movies compensates for the variety of dancing styles which is displayed. A good movie and awe-inspiring, a must see for all dancers or would-be dancers.

Rating: 4 / 5
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