Drama Movie Reviews

Director: Dien Perry
Year: ????
Cast: Adam Garcia, Sophie Lee
Official Website: http://www.bootmenmovie.com
Reviewed By: Drew Bishop


Adam Garcia, star of London musicals and Australian born, stars as Sean in this tap-dog like tale. Sean has grown up in Sydney and works in a metal works factory. What he really wants to do though is tap dance. He loves to improvise and want to show the world how good he is. He's just looking for a break. Then he meets a girl and his brother falls in love with her. The struggle between the two brothers for her and also for what they want to do in life is apparent throughout the movie. As they both struggle to get out of the steel works, the paths they take are different and the consequences they suffer reflect on the movies plot. The tap dancing in the movie is great with the ever popular tap-dogs style, however, the plot lacks definition and conviction. Since the movie is based around the tap dancing, one can only expect the movie to suffer in some areas. For people who are into the dance type movies and Australiana. This movie reflects the larrikan culture of Australia and breeds true in the main characters. Entertaining and enjoyable.

Rating: 3 / 5
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